Category: blog

For sale or not for sale…that is the question.

For sale or not for sale…that is the question.

Who likes shopping? “Yay, Me!”

Who looks at the price tag first before deciding on a purchase? Somehow we have this mindset that if something costs more, it’s worth more. And if we buy something really expensive we value it more…..we take really good care of it. And if we bought something not as expensive, we don’t seem to care for it as much…if it breaks or fall, we think, “oh well it was only $5 bucks…I can get another one”. Do you see how we place a value on something?…and that value is determined by how much we paid for it. (the price tag).

So how do these price tags differ? Some stores have sales. Something that started at $100 could be bought for $50 during a sale. Sometimes products are “less than perfect’ Ahh there are flaws…slight tears, rips, stains etc….so it lowers the value.

When you start picking out what you consider your flaws/imperfections, you start lowering your value.

When you lower your value, you allow people to treat you less than….(friends, boyfriends, bosses, etc…). You become disposable…

We (subconsciously) place an invisible price tag on ourselves.

So, what does your “price tag” read? Is it on the sale or clearance rack or is onthe one-of-a-kind rack? Or is it not for sale at all???

How was the first week of school?

How was the first week of school?

The first week of school is over! How was it?

For parents, I guess it’s back to the homework drills, sport practice, lunches, snacks, pickups and drop offs.

For kids, I’m sure they are already waiting for the next vacation lol!

It’s going to be a great year! Why not?! Make it better than last year. We have exactly what we need in Christ. Pray for and with our children. It makes the bond so much stronger. Keep the lines of communication open with them and as we pray with them, they learn to keep the lines of communication open with the Lord.

Raising Confident Daughters

Raising Confident Daughters

Far too many of our daughters are suffering from a lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, and an almost nonexistent self-image. The entertainment industry, through its vast forms of movies, music, TV, reality shows, magazines and social media, constantly bombard our girls with impossible definitions of beautiful, sexy, smart, and personal identity. On top of that, throw in peer pressure and hormones, and we’re looking at quite a mission to raise healthy and confident girls. What may seem a mission to us is a journey of self-discovery, explorations, awkwardness, pain, and joy, all at the same time, to our girls.

As overwhelming as it may feel, we can raise confident daughters by helping them to love and respect themselves and by helping them find their identity in Christ to fulfill the unique plan and purpose for which He created them. In addition to helping them find their identity, we need to prepare them for battle because, as we know, the enemy launches war against God’s children. We also need to be the Godly role model in their lives with constant, positive affirmations.

Taken from the upcoming eBook: Raising Confident Daughters available for download (free) September 18th

Top 5 Ways Periscope Can Help Your Business

Top 5 Ways Periscope Can Help Your Business

Periscope is all about real-time streaming. Anyone from around the world can view your stream to see what you have to offer. This is a new way of delivering multimedia content that embraces people power. Anyone can comment and express their views in real-time.

So what exactly does this have to do with helping your business?

1.Conduct Q&A Sessions: Businesses are often accused of not opening up to the general public. Periscope is an easy way of conducting real-time Q&A sessions.
A great way to use it is to setup an interview with the company founder or some other important figure. You set the parameters of the session and customers can feel like they’re really in the room with them.

2.Live Customer Support Streaming: Nothing irritates a business more than queries about the same issue. If you’re in a situation where you’re answering the same questions over and over again, it may be time to change the way you operate. Stream live to your existing customers and answer the most common customer service queries at the same time. The best part about this is it also frees up your customer support lines for more complex issues.

3.Insightful Tutorials: Sometimes products and services aren’t always clear. You might think it’s obvious how they’re meant to be used, but this isn’t always the case for customers. To make things easy for them, start some live tutorials where you can show customers how to best take advantage of your products and services. You could also conduct live product demonstrations. Companies have used this to unveil new products and show people how they work.

4.Launch a Flash sale: Encourage people to view your live streaming service by offering flash sales exclusively for viewers of the stream. Here’s an easy way to do this:

  • Use one of the other ways to benefit your business in this article.
  • At the end of the production, launch a flash sale.
  • This flash sale may only last a few hours and the only people who have the right coupon code are those on the stream.

This benefits your business on a number of fronts.
First of all, you get more people to visit your website to view premium content. On the face of things, this enhances the traffic on your website. It could see you rise up the Google search engine rankings, and thus puts you in a better position to capture more customers.

You also drum up anticipation of the next flash sale. You’ll have customers raving about how much value your organisation is offering them. The trick is to get into the habit of offering random sales. Make them truly random.
Even when you don’t offer a sale, customers will still be viewing your Periscope stream.

5.Bring Audiences Behind the Scenes: As we mentioned above, transparency is a big issue within the world of business. Become more transparent by bringing your customers behind the scenes. With the right equipment, you can take customers into your company offices and show them what you’re doing.
There are lots of ways you can conduct this sort of production. You could have live sessions with a different worker within the company. You could have interviews with various operatives. Or you could simply show people where all the magic happens. By bringing more transparency to your business with Periscope, you’re making yourself a more likeable company. People are going to be more receptive to working with you. As you can see, Periscope has lots of uses and all these uses bring a whole range of benefits to your business. This is why so many companies are investing in Periscope today!

Have you started using Periscope yet?

This article was shared from

Freebie Friday! :)

Freebie Friday! :)

Yes its Freebie Friday. You also get to sample it first. If you like it, just hit the download button!

What the people are saying:

“Your music was very uplifting and hope you share many more. So much uplifting music, fun and laughter. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift.” – M. McNally

“The music was excellent, and you have such a message of hope and encouragement! Keep singing !!!!” W. Allard

“Her music spoke to my soul” – Terri

Being Free of the Past

Being Free of the Past

The past should not be a place where we live, but something from which we learn. We are to forget “those things which are behind” and reach “forward to those things which are ahead,” and we’re to “press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14). God is a Redeemer and a Restorer. We need to allow Him to be both in our lives. He can redeem the past and restore what was lost. He can make up for the bad things that have happened (Psalm 90:15). We must trust Him to do those things. We can never move out of the present into the future of what God has for us if we cling to and live in the past.

While no one can pretend the past didn’t happen, it’s possible to pray that all the effects of it are removed. No one is destined to live with them forever. God says we are to cry out for deliverance, walk in His ways, proclaim His truth, and then we will find freedom from our past.

Lord, I pray You would enable me to let go of my past completely. Deliver me from any hold it has on me.

Stormie Omartian

Nobody Behind the Scenes

Nobody Behind the Scenes

Ever feel that you’re not enough? You work hard and give your all, but you don’t really get noticed until you “mess up”?

Do you have those times when you feel like a “nobody”? or invisible? I’ve been there too.

Your Facebook or instagram posts doesn’t get as many “likes” or your twitter account doesn’t have as many followers. I’ve been there…had those feelings and thoughts….

Those thoughts did nothing for me, but bring me down…made me feel less than. I realized I was comparing myself to someone else’s highlights. Remember, people always share their highlighted moments on social media. My “behind the scenes” didn’t stand a chance.

So, remember YOU are Somebody! YOU are not defined by the number of followers you have on twitter, the number of “friends” or likes you have on Facebook. Embrace and enjoy your happy, special, precious moments even when they are not shared on social media. Its those “behind the scene” moments that make you the Somebody and Hero that you are. Just because it’s not out there for the world to see doesn’t make you less of the amazing person you are. Just because your boss or teacher doesn’t pat you on the back, doesn’t mean you’re unappreciated.

You don’t need social media or anyone else to validate you. You are Enough!! and exactly the Somebody you were created to be:)